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Homemade Cherry Sponge cake

When even green tea makes my heart beat like in a horse race when I go up the stairs to my bedroom four times in a row because I forget what I need there when I throw another cake that I bake because it's beyond acceptable standards ... I understand that I need to slow down for a moment, breath, do something different and start again right when I have a clearer mind.

Reading a book that has nothing to do with food and making bread works perfectly, especially if it is fantasy, where there are knights, damsels, intrigue, ancient forests, and (terrible) wolves. Without ever seeing a TV series, I started reading the Song of Ice and Fire saga, being exhausted by a friend who would not stop writing me e-mails (very convincing, I confess) encouraged me to read it, surely I would like that. And so, after two introductory pages, it felt like jumping into a parallel world ... now I had to ration the pages of the book or I would spend all day squatting on the couch with the book in my hand.

Another good trick for relaxing is baking cookies. I know, this seems a contradiction, but I am not talking about any cake when you have to experiment with the dosage and cooking time. I'm talking about safe cakes, cakes that you truly believe will come out perfect, just by reading the list of ingredients!

Because I have a basket of cherries to complete, I add a handful of ripe fruit to the mixture, then serve the cake with powdered sugar dust. The sponge cake has a good taste from the sweet treats of the past, a bit of vanilla flavor, it reconciles you with the world. Often you need it too, simplicity.

Dosage is expressed in grams: I am more aware every day that baking is like chemistry, and even 2 or 3 grams seem to make a difference! For convenience, I also report the 'normal' amount in parentheses.

Serve with sweet sherry - you will love it!


  • 75 g of egg yolk, about 4 and a half
  • 60 g eggs, about 1
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 50 g flour
  • 50 g of potato flour
  • seeds 1 vanilla seed
  • 25 g of butter, melted
  • 1 handful of cherries, pitted
  • powdered sugar and almond slices to decorate


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
  2. In a standing mixer or with an electric whiskey, beat the egg yolks with all the eggs and sugar at high speed for about 10 minutes, until thick, light and smooth.
  3. Sift flour with potato flour and fold gently with a spatula
  4. Melt the butter and stir with a spoonful of the dough, then fold it back into the bowl, thereby preventing the melted butter from falling into the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Brush a 22 cm round frying pan, cover the bottom with parchment paper discs and scrape on a sponge cake batter, up to 3/4 of the pan. Spread the cherry pitted and halved on top, they will tend to fall on the bottom of the cake while baking.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven for about 20 to 25 minutes, until the cake is golden on the surface, chewy to the touch and the toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  7. Turn the cake from the baking pan into the wire rack and let it cool.
  8. After chilling, dust with icing sugar and sprinkle with almond slices.

This recipe is inspired by julskitchen

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